10 ‘Smart’ Ways to Disconnect from Work at the End of the Day

So I was thinking about how much I absolutely LOVE my computer, my tablet that I travel with, my smart phone, social media; basically everything that gives me the ability to connect with the world in a quick second. But I also thought about how things have changed so dramatically over the years, that at this point, my professional time and personal [...]

10 Things You Absolutely Need To Stop Doing This Holiday Season

Isn't it absolutely amazing how quickly the holidays are approaching? This year has flashed by in a blink of an eye! So, let me ask you a question. When you think of the approaching holidays, are you emotionally filled with excitement or absolute stress?  If you are feeling stressed, take note of this; because you need to take care of this! You [...]

For Those Tough Decisions; Make It About What’s Important To You; What You ‘Value’

So I was sitting in a coffee shop with one of my favorite people, who is in my inner circle. To be in my inner circle, you must have integrity, loyalty and I must truly trust you with all aspects of my life. The friend that I was meeting with, as a little background, has about 15 years of additional life experience on me and has always been someone that I look [...]

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