7 ‘Smart’ Ways To Boost Confidence in Yourself Starting Today!

Whether you’re single, married, younger, older, highly successful or just starting out in life, we all have times that we need that boost of confidence; that dose of inspiration to remind us that we are amazing and we need to go for what we want in life.  Hopefully you'll keep this list close by, because whenever you need an extra boost, to [...]

10 ‘Smart’ Things to Lighten Up in Your Life

For a while now, I had been looking to freshen up my website. I wanted to have more inspirational colors on the template. It was time! I had always loved the content on my website, but the richer, darker colors on it didn't quite fit with my personality or the message I was conveying. It was definitely time to 'lighten things up'!  When it was completed, I absolutely fell in love [...]

10 Ways Others Will Gain Trust and Confidence In You

We all want others to feel like they can trust us and have confidence in us.  I am always teaching people to surround themselves with quality people.  I express not to focus on the number of people they have in their life, but the quality of people. I personally have a lot of people in my life that I consider to be acquaintances. However, in order [...]

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