We are all in a period of transition whether we realize it or not. Life is consistently moving ahead and based on the actions we take, we are moving out of certain things and towards new things. Each and every day we have to make lots of decisions. And throughout our life, we have to make some big decisions and sometimes they are hard, let’s face it.
Are you facing a big decision right now? Is there something you need to handle but need clarity on the best decision for yourself? I hope you get some golden nuggets out of this and use these tips to gain big clarity of where you need to go next.
5 Ways To Confirm What’s Next In Your Life
- Make The Time and Take Inventory
In order to determine what is next in your life, it’s important to reduce the noise and take time to figure it out. I encourage you to block out some time on your calendar (you have to make the time) and stay committed to this appointment. During this time of inventory, list out the pros and cons of every choice and reflect on those. So often we think about things but not putting pen to paper and writing things out. When you get it out of your head and write it down, it instantly gives you a little more focus. - Determine What Brings You Joy
I believe we all can remember a time in which we made a decision in our life and some time soon after that, we regretted it, in that we should have taken more time in thinking about what we were getting ourselves into. So this is just a reminder for when you are making a decision, to ask yourself if it is what you really want. Will this decision you make positively add to your life? And ultimately, will it bring you joy? - Don’t Let Others Influence You
There are a lot of advice givers out there! It’s important for you to distinguish between who is giving you smart counsel and those who are just giving you noise. Does that resonate with you? I think it’s important to have a great support system and run things through a trusted person if you need it. However, just be sure the decision you are making is for yourself and you’re not doing it because of an outside influence. - Acknowledge and Work Through Feelings
With any transition or shift in your life, there are likely going to be a range of emotions! And of course in the decision making process, unless those feelings are dealt with, you could make a decision that is too emotional. Try to get into the habit of recognizing when emotions trigger and work through them with a trusted person. In the decision making process you want to make sure you are as clear as possible, making the smartest decision for yourself. - Commit to a Plan of Action
Often, we know of a decision we need to make, but we procrastinate! This is encouragement that after you are clear about the decision you need to make, be ALL IN on it and set a date. And get an accountability partner to make sure you follow through on it!
Okay, now it’s time to hear from you! Did this post resonate with you? Which of the 5 things listed above is something you need to focus most on in your decision making? I’d love to hear to your comments below and just know I have got your back! I am here for you in your journey.
[bctt tweet=”You have one life. Your life. Be intentional and make the best decisions for your life! ” username=”thesmartchic”]
Cynthia Bazin is passionate about helping you reduce the noise in your life, providing the best tools and strategies, so you can live your best life. Her expertise is getting you Laser Focused in your Personal Development, Branding and Business Strategy. She mentors men and women and does Keynote Speaking and Workshops across the country. Book Cynthia today at www.smartchic.me.
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