Hi everyone! I have to share some really AMAZING news I received. My company SmartChic and my blog have been selected as a finalist in the 2015 SUCCESS Magazine BlogStar Awards, a talent search contest to find and recognize the most influential self-improvement bloggers on the web. http://on.fb.me/1JEpmva
Out of more than 500 nominations, the team at SUCCESS selected my blog as one of the 60 finalists who will compete to be named one of ten #SUCCESSBlogStars!!! If I am one of the winners of this contest, among some other really awesome stuff, I will have coverage in the January 2016 issue of SUCCESS Magazine!
I would be so grateful if you could take one minute out of your time and vote for my blog to be one of the winners. Here is the link. ★ http://on.fb.me/1JEpmva ★ Just click ‘Vote’ next to SmartChic.me and that’s it!
I really appreciate your DAILY vote until the contest ends at 11:59pm on 8/31/15. VOTE for ★ SmartChic.me ★ > http://on.fb.me/1JEpmva
Thanks everyone! Let me know that you voted so I can give you a MAJOR shout out on Social Media! Together we can accomplish SO much! Have an awesome day! -Cynthia 🙂
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