So a little about me. I grew up in a very small town in Massachusetts; there was one blinking light in town, one gas station, one general store and there were about 200 kids in my entire high school. It was a very rural town, a conservative town, not much going on, but it was a very beautiful and quaint town. I had a nice life….. So fast forwarding through my life; what did I do with my life? I did things that were not so quiet and quaint as the town I grew up in! In college, I did an internship at a maximum security prison in Connecticut, then decided to work for them for about a decade, both because it was exciting and a bold career move at the time. Then…I decided I needed to pack my bags and move out to Las Vegas to reach my goal of moving to a warm climate and also pursue new and exciting career opportunities in the investigations field. And now… I am a California gal, still working in the field I love (investigations) while building on my passion; my company SmartChic! And guess what? I am loving every second of it.
So why am I telling you my story? Because I could have easily played my life ‘real’ safe. I could still be living in my hometown, or some place close by. And I would have had a good life. But for me, it just wasn’t what I really wanted. I always dreamed of big things and always wanted to expose myself to lots of experiences in life. So if I stayed in my comfort zone, I know that I would have limited my options in life, and for me it would have been a less than fulfilling life.
So, a question for you. Are you living too safe of a life? Are you not stretching your horizons, not going for it in life, not striving for what’s possible for you in life? You’ve got one life and I do not want you to live with any regrets in life. Know that there will be challenges…I’ve had them! But guess what. I got through them. And so can you. So I challenge you to live on the edge a little! Get out of that comfort zone and go for it in life!
Question: How are you going to start living life a little more out of your comfort zone; living a little more on the edge? How will you start living today to ensure you never have any regrets in life? I would love to hear from you! -Cynthia
SmartChic is all about inspiring YOU to make confident and smart decisions while living the life you want and deserve! Hire Cynthia as your keynote speaker for your next big conference or team retreat. She’ll get everyone inspired and up out of their seats!
Having the strength and mindset to live your passion is what Cynthia at SmartChic
has. She is so right! Why can’t we be out there and live the dreams we all have. What we wish, CAN be made into reality. Thank You for the inspiration and vision you’re giving to us!
Hi Cindy,
It is really great to see you living your dream. I just back from Costa Rica where I went for my birthday not only celebrating my birthday but celebrating life. Your blog on living on the edge was more of that celebration. Thank you for taking the path you have chosen and thank you for crossing my life path.
As always spot on here Cynthia. Honestly getting fired from a job (4 years ago today actually) was the best thing that happened for me. I was stagnant and not really moving up the chain anymore. Since then I have been able to be more versatle in my profession. I am not opposed at all to leaving Des Moines, my hometown, if the opportunity presented itself.
Awesome blog! It’s funny God really works in mysterious ways. I’ve been feeling lately that I rarely step out of my comfort zone. If I continue to move through life in my comfort zone I will never know how great my life can be outside of my zone. All of life’s experiences, people, places and personal growth. I vow today, no matter how hard it is I will step out of my comfort zone even if it’s only baby steps at first.
Cynthia, you always write the best blogs always pushing your readers to live better and become a better you. They are always on the mark and make me self reflect more times than I can count.
Thank you Cynthia! You are one of a kind I know I say it a lot but you are changing the world. You push us to be a better person and I thank you.
Cynthia,you truly inspired me!
Oh my! Cynthia, you are a Gem, a wonderful SmartChic Indeed. Growing through life. Life has been wonderful indeed to me, meeting great people like you Cynthia has given me the opportunity to step out a little from my comfort Zone. Living outside of my comfort Zone has given me a lot of great opportunities in life, I have learned that living in a cubical all the time will create limitation to my success in life. I am so grateful for you Cynthia, you are such a blessing to many (me) I am so glad being a part, and knowing you. Your blog is one of those balanced, breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal, I feel satisfied whenever I’m here reading, and I share a lot with my friends through you. I love you Cynthia. Keep doing what you love doing :-))
Hi Cynthia,
Once again, you are 100% right. Excellent blog.
One of the most important rules of inner peace and happiness is to do what you love. If you do not take a step beyond, you will never discover the greatness within.
Take a look at the happiest, most successful people that you know: they are all creating something, doing something they love, living their dreams. Being rich is not just about money. Being rich is about finding the hidden treasures within.
Cynthia, you are such an inspiration to me and many others. I believe in you because you believe in yourself.
Much Love,
managementbrad on twitter
Cindy, this is very inspiring. I play it safe a lot of the tine and never seem to get the rewards I do when I dare to step forward and leap. I’m still working on this for my writing career.
Cynthia, I loved it!! Thanks for sharing your story with us! My fave point you touched on was the fact that you could have stayed in your home town, played it safe & still had a good life. But you decided to give up the good to go for the GREAT!!! This is the clincher for me ~ don’t settle, don’t get comfortable, your next adventure awaits!!! Thanks for your inspiration Friend, and for encouraging others to really go for it in life!!!! Shine your shine peeps ~ Your best days are ahead!!! :))
Your personal story is very inspiring Cynthia! We just never know what lies around the bend unless we take the first steps to begin a new journey. I think it was Anthony Robbins who said we should never give up on something that we can’t go a day without thinking about. So thank you Cynthia for being such a positive example and inspiring us to take action on our big dreams!
Rick Wagoner
Hey Rock Chic
Love your attitude.
We must always push push push and stretch our boundaries.
Comfort circles are meant to be broken.
A normal life is an existence. An ABnormal life is what we should all live.
You live your dream, you continue to live your dream, and you create dreams for other people which they turn into reality. What better way to live your life than that.
it’s pleasure to call you a friend Cynthia
Dave x
This one and all your other posts are PURE GOLD Cynthia! And so are YOU! =) Your posts always inspire me (and I think many others) to make each day the best day ever, take the right actions, have fun and enjoy the ride while working toward my goals/dreams. It’s people like you that show me it can be done if you stay focused and keep seeing the big picture. Thank you so much for sharing your personal story and keep up the FAB work! =)
Hey Cynthia! Great blog! Playing it safe in life may be comfortable, but at the end of that journey, bthe most memorable and productive outcome will be a nice, safety net, a comfort zone that would have robbed us of all that life has to offer. Thanks for sharing such an insightful piece. I enjoyed getting an inside look at your background as well and clearly understand your passion for inspiring others to stretch the limits of their lives!