Success: A great, positive word, that shows we have achieved our goals and dreams….
As I am writing this blog post, I am thinking about when “you” read this. We are likely different in age from each other, in different stages of our lives, have different wants and needs, and our definition of the word “success” is likely different from each another.
So, what’s your definition of success?
- Starting and raising a family?
- Maintaining a certain lifestyle?
- Having a career that you love and challenges you?
- Getting a certain educational degree?
- Having a successful relationship?
- Having it all? The family, the career, the money?
- A state of happiness, that everything in your life has come together?
Since we are all unique and in different stages of life, I can’t tell you what individual goals you must achieve to be successful. That is very personal. Something very individualized. But I do want to share with you 4 important things to consider when defining what success means to you.
4 Important Things to Consider When Defining Success
- Is it “Your” Definition of Success?- Is what you consider the definition of success from your own ideas? It’s important for the definition to be based on what you want versus defining your life based on what others think you should do.
- Who are You Doing This For? Are you constantly trying to please someone else or are you doing it because it will make you happy? If you are doing it for you, it’s a healthy definition of success.
- Does it Make You Happy?- When you think about what you want to achieve, are you anxious and feeling under pressure? Or does achieving your goals make you feel excited? You have to feel excited about what you want to achieve in order to really feel good about it being a success.
- Does It Include People? – At the end of the day, does your definition of success include people? Loved ones, friends, giving back to the community? Achieving success on your own is awesome. But if you don’t have someone to share it with, what is it all worth? I believe your definition of success must include relationships in your life.
Whatever your definition of success is, today is the day to get moving on your goals and dreams. Life is short. Never go through life having regrets. But take note of what your definition of success is. Make sure it’s about you, it makes you happy and that in the end, a big part of it includes people that are in your life. Because in the end, it’s who we’re with and who we can share our successes with, that is important.
What’s your definition of success? Is it a state, or an ongoing process? What are some of your thoughts about success? I want to hear from you! ~The SmartChic
And…no matter what…DON’T BE AFRAID OF SUCCESS! Your fear of success will keep you from getting what you want and deserve! Thank you SmartChic for reminding us about our personal success and what it means to us and the value we place on it!
Thanks Wendy for your comment! You are so right about not being afraid of success. We have to take action and go for it!!
Success is doing the right thing at the right time and feeling good about it. I am very safety concious due to my fire service affiliation as well as my previous expierience with the CT D.O.C. I am very outspoken about safety, but if it made a difference so be it. My current position since retiring has given me a new found respect for the safety aspect of employment as it alows people to live longer healthier and more productive lives just by being safer at work.
My four goals:
Making life better for my kids is goal number one for me.
Going home just the same as when I went to work.
Living a long and healthy = happy life.
Driving my wife crazy. almost as satisfying as my kids success.
I am a simple man with simple philosophies. Yes it is about me but more about my legacy.
Hi Gary, thanks so much for your comments on your definition of success. I especially loved how you said “Success is doing the right thing at the right time and feeling good about it.” I totally agree… Thanks again for your post and have a great day!
Success is greatest when shared.
Really enjoyed reading your post at a time when I am striving for success but had never really stopped to think about what i think ‘success’ looks like for me. Having just started my own company I would say that I will be successful when I can ‘figure out taxes, can make a living from my company and still love doing it. When the first couple I match get married or have a baby, that will be a huge success’!
Lots of love Cx
Caroline, thanks so much for your comments. I look forward to hearing about all your success stories! Keep up the great work!!!
Success to me is when I can share what I have learned and it makes others successful too. Some people define their self-worth by the money they make, and some define their success on the things they own. When people focus on meaningless stuff like that, it’s no wonder why they lose it so fast.
Sonia, thanks so much for your comments on success. I totally agree! Life is about the people in our lives and not the material things we have. Life is about being happy and at the end of the day, who we share that happiness with.