How about a few good old fashioned words of wisdom to finish the week and start the weekend off just right? =)  These are a few of many that I have learned through life experience. Youmight just want to print these off and put in a place where you can read them when you need to.

  • You have one chance at this precious thing called life. Never have any regrets.  Do what you love, have fun and remember that life is not about the things we have or accumulate, it’s about the people we have in our lives and love.
  • You are beautiful.  Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. We must be true and happy with ourselves before we can fully love others.
  • Slow down some and enjoy all the moments in life.  Take time and enjoy those small things which you will later realize are the most important things.
  • Take care of YOU.  Get enough sleep.  Eat well and make sure you are always true to yourself in all that you do.  Feel good about the person you are.

“A Positive Attitude is a Powerful Force.  It Can’t Be Stopped” – Quote from Successories

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